Our Labradors

Currently we have three pet labradors at home, Lilli, Papu & Bööna. All are show-line yellow girls.
Nallelaakson Ellu
Lilli is show-line Labrador retriever.
In FKC Database
sire: FI CH Lucky My All My Best A/A, 0/0, Nome-B AVO-1. Mejä AVO-3
dam: Nallelaakson Pinja B/B 0/0
born: 06-08-2018
NOU1 / qualified in the field
Hips A/A , Elbows 0/0
EIC - Clear (MyDogDNA)
SD2 - Clear (MyDogDNA)
CNM - Clear (MyDogDNA)
DM - Clear (MyDogDNA)
HNPK - Clear (Laboklin)
STGD - Clear (Laboklin)
Carries brown ee Bb (MyDogDNA)
Carries brown colour (B/b)
MyDogDNA- full results
Shows Working class VG
Sterilized due pyometra spring 2022
Hobbies: training for field, scent work, running free, being the "wise and well trained dog" at the household, supervising our tv remote control..

Lilli came in September 2018 after half a year of planning of getting a Labrador. Lilli's sire is my aunt's dog "Urho" that I liked really much, so it was natural choice for me to take puppy after him.
Lilli broke her toe in autumn 2020, and healing from the operation set us back with training and getting the field qualification quite much.
Lilli got qualified in the field in May 2021.
Lilli is very active, eager to work and loves doing anything with me. Likes people but is mostly My dog, with other dogs (bitches) can be a bit bossy.
Very easy to teach new things as she really wants to please, and will work for a praise (but eats everything, works for a play also). If she doesn't understand what I'm trying to do she will try to guess, and that's what makes her easy for a dog-training potato like me.
Takes all game, loves dummy work, brings me all sorts of items at home. Her best feature is never dropping anything when bringing dummy or game back, and hardest thing is to get her wait for a permission to retrieve when there is gunshots.
Lilli is my best friend, and even though there has been many dogs in our household, she is the 'Once in a lifetime'-dog for me.

FI CH FIW-21 October's Yosemite
Papu is show-line Labrador retriever.
In FKC Database
sire: C.I.B. FI EE LT CH FIW-19 October's Nanook Of The North AA 00
dam: Maisa AA 00
born: 11-03-2020
NOU 1 / Qualified in the field
Best bits from shows:
BOB @ Finnish Winner 2021 (Zeppi Alessandro, ITA)
BOB @ Tampere Int 1.5.22 & FI CH (Leikola-Walden Reia FI)
BOS @ Loviisa GS 7.5.22 (Siikonen Heli FI)
3 x FI CAC
HD B/C, ED 0/0
Eyes Clear 04/2021
Heart auscultation clear 04/2021
EIC - Clear (Laboklin&MDD)
prcd-PRA - Clear (parentage & MDD)
HNPK - Clear (parentage)
Carries brown eeBb (MDD)
MyDogDNA, Clear from all following breed related:
Alexander Disease, CNM, Congenital Myasthenic Disease, Hereditary Elliptocytosis, Hyperuricosuria, Myotonia Congenita, Narcolepsy, prcd-PRA, EIC, SD2, STGD, X-linked myotubular myopathy
+ Clear from all other MDD testing panel.
Dam to October's F-litter 2023.
Hobbies: Bit of retrieving, yard guarding duties, being a great help with our litters playing with the puppies, training to wag that tail in the show ring.

Papu came to live with us in spring 2020, she was breeding rights bitch from her breeder.
Papu is happy girl, loves absolutely everyone, loves to go to new places and meet new people and dogs. Loves to play, jump and run, everything for a good time.
Papu uses her nose very well and I hope to get to do scent work and tracking with her. She is not a fan of waiting and steadiness, there's too much fun stuff in the world for that!
No problems with game or dummies.
Papu passed her field qualification test 26.09.2021.
We have taken Nose work classes, and maybe we will try blood tracking also.

HEJW-23 October's Fat Bottomed Girl
Bööna is show-line Labrador retriever.
In FKC Database
sire: WW-17,-22 MultiCH MultiW Bravo Messi AA 00
dam: FIW-21 FI CH October's Yosemite BC 00
born: 12-01-2023
Owner: kennel October's.
HD E/C, therefore not for breeding
ED 0/0
Best Show bits:
29.7.23 Club Show 1.st Baby puppy bitch out of class of 11
4.11.23 LRC P&V Show BOS/BIS2-Puppy
16.12.23 Helsinki Winner, BOB-Junior, JUN-CAC, RES-CAC, HEJW-23
Genetic, results from MyDogDNA (Wisdom Panel):
Carrier: EIC, POMC (obesity risk)
CLEAR for all other in MDD kit 2023, including:
Alexander Disease, CNM, Congenital Myasthenic Disease, Hereditary Elliptocytosis, Hyperuricosuria, Myotonia Congenita, Narcolepsy, prcd-PRA, SD2, STGD, X-linked myotubular myopathy
+ Clear from all other MDD testing panel.
Bööna is sired by gorgeous double World Winner Bravo Messi and she is our Papu's daughter from her litter in 2023.
B was a breeding rights bitch from her breeder, but now owned by us as her hip result closes her out from breeding.
Bööna has been the easiest and happiest puppy, probably exactly what word "Labrador" brings to mind - friendly, loving, playful, cuddly, relaxed, biddable, and has a positive outlook on everything.
She doesn't seem worried about much anything and is always in game when I introduce what ever nonsense to her - ok with game, dummies, scentwork, new places, people or dogs. Was very easy to train to bring everything to hand already under junior age. She's not on the high end of energy scale, but not on the lowest side either - nicely in the middle.
Just easygoing in every possible way.

Photo by Karola Kahrila